Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Quiet Book

I had a beloved Quiet Book as a little girl. It was a gift from my grandma, handmade by some hospital axillary ladies and sold as a fund raiser. I have no idea how many trips to church this book has made, since Abby has now adopted it as her own. I loved everything about my quiet book--especially when my mom remembered to put a piece of gum in the "Surprise" pocket at the end of the book.

Since I started sewing again, I have wanted to make my own Quiet Book. I'm updating some of the activities (and eliminating the racism*). I'm making my first book as a present Abby's friend Olivia, who will turn 2 soon. Here are the first four pages of Olivia's book. The letters on the "Write your name" page Velcro off, so Olivia can practice spelling her name. Olivia's book is going much faster than I anticipated. I'm not sure if I'm going to put these on Etsy--it will depend on the total time that they take (and also how much Olivia likes hers). In the mean time, I'm having fun re-creating one of my favorite toys. I'm hoping to hide this one from Abby, so she doesn't demand a new one. I quite like that she uses my own. Oh, if you look carefully in some of the pictures, you'll notice my trademark wonky style of hand sewing.

If anyone was wondering, I'm not posting a "What's for Dinner" this week. I do have a menu, however we have too many variables in our evenings this week and I've basically thrown the menu out the window and plan to recycle it for next week. Now you have something to look forward to.

*It's crazy--who would have thought that a Quiet Book from the '70s could be racist, yet mine is.

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