Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Farm

I'm working on my Take Along Farm right now and have been thinking a lot about my grandparent's farm. This is a picture of me* and my grandpa from about 1981 (I'm guessing). I looked through my pictures yesterday and I don't have an exterior shot of their barn, so I'm working from memory and your basic red barn. I'm trying to incorporate as many elements from their farm yard as I can, as that was the real farm to me.

This is one of my favorite stories about my grandpa...When I was little they raised Hereford cattle. Here's a picture** if you don't know your cow breeds. My grandpa's cows all had numbers on little plastic tags through their ears, instead of being branded. The cows had indoor and outdoor options in the barn and I loved to feed them grass through their fence and pet their noses. I had dreams about riding a cow, since they didn't have any horses, but you don't ride cows. One time I asked my grandpa why the cows had numbers on their earrings. He said that was so he could remember all their names and after that, he called them all by "name" whenever I was with him. I remember thinking that 256 wasn't that good of a name and offering to come up with some better ones.

As I work on my farm, I'll try and make the cows look like Herefords and also make sure that they have indoor and outdoor options. I miss my grandpa and had lots of fun on that farm.

*check out my groovy pants!

**choosing the picture was really hard--who knew there were so many pictures of cows on the Internet.

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