Friday, May 8, 2009

Coming Soon...

This morning I had a burst of inspiration (while watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" with A.) about something new that I want to make. I made A. a fabric take along bunny dollhouse for Easter and I've been planning to do more take along fabric things. This morning I decided that I want to try a take along bird's house.

We had a nest of Robbins in our front yard this Spring and were delighted with watching them. Unfortunately, the Robbin Family's nest was a little too exposed and some mean birds got the eggs before they hatched. That was a tragic day. We loved watching Mama Robbin sit on her nest and A. was fascinated when my mom lifted her up and showed her that the Robbin's eggs were bright blue!

Anyway, all of this has come together and I'm going to make a take along bird house. A. painted a bird house at my parents this winter, so I might use that as my color model. I'm still trying to work out a way in my head for the eggs to hatch. Usually these things have to percolate for awhile.

I also made a list this morning of all the things that I'd like to make for Giupetto's shop. I made the list in my old work notebook, which was very liberating. Here's a partial list of what I think I'm going to make:
  • girl's sundresses with ribbon ties and various embroidered designs
  • mother and daughter "outfits" (an a-line skirt with rick-rack trim for mom and a dress for daughter out of print fabric)
  • take along fabric houses
  • nesting family (felt people that will all fit inside each other)
  • children's activity bags with their names and something that they like embroidered on it
  • Quiet Book--a cloth book full of quiet activities (I had one when I was little that was for church only so it would always be new)

Today is Mommy and A. day, so we are headed to the library later, so I won't get to start any of this now. I always want to start projects right away. I remember many times as a child getting an idea and making my Halloween costume in July or August.

Time for some coffee...

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