Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to the cow drawing board

I've been working on my farm on and off now. More off than on, as Abby is home from my parents, but staying home from school this week because we have company. I finished the cow last night while the adults were watching TV and the little people were sleeping and that will not be the cow that is sold with the barn*. So I'm re-thinking my farm animals. I may give the farmer a try and do plastic animals. I may sell the farm only and people can get their own animals. I may get a burst of energy and give the cow another go.

I'm planning to start a prototype that will be for sale on Etsy if it goes well. My daughter has a lot of opinions about her clothes and a lot of trouble getting dressed in the morning. This makes mornings unpleasant at our house and I am envisioning that it will get worse in the fall when she starts kindergarten. I'm planning to make Abby a wall hanging/soft sculpture with five pockets for the school days of the week. On Saturday or Sunday, we'll fill the pockets with her clothes for the week and hopefully there will be fewer fights in the morning. I don't really care if she wears Wednesday's clothes on Tuesday, but at the end of the week, she'll wear what's left. I'm thinking about doing a small "pocket within a pocket" for underpants, socks, hair ribbons, etc. If it works out, I'll post it on Etsy as a custom order only item, because I want it to have the child's name and I might try my hand at quilting some scenes on the squares. I think that this could also be used to organize school supplies/home work for multiple children, or other things. I'm excited to make it. I may go get the canvas over the weekend.

Speaking of Abby starting school in the fall--I am border-line obsessed with ideas for cool things to put in her lunch box next year. She doesn't really like traditional sandwiches. I like to cook, so I've been working on making a lot of things "mini" and more portable. I'm also exparimenting with how traditional hot things taste when served cold. I'm keeping a lunch box notebook, so I'm sure that I'll do a post with my lunch box ideas in the weeks to come.

In other news, my friend that is visiting has me pondering a career change... There will probably be more about that later.

*It will be the cow (and I use the word "cow" really loosely) that is in the trash.

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